Where can I find my startup's EIN?
This article assumes that you either (1) entered your EIN while completing paperwork on Clerky or (2) obtained an EIN through Clerky.
Your startup’s EIN is stored in your Clerky address book. The EIN is stored there automatically when you enter the EIN while completing paperwork on Clerky and when you obtain an EIN through Clerky.
You can find your startup’s EIN again by following the steps below.
Click on your name (or email address) in the main navigation bar and select Address Book.
Click Entities.
Select the desired team.
Click Tax IDs.
If you applied by fax through Clerky, we’ll add your EIN to your Clerky address book as soon as the IRS sends it to us. Be aware that the IRS can take a while to assign EINs applied for by fax. See our article How long does it take to get an EIN? for more information around time estimates.
If you applied on your own but can’t find your EIN information anywhere, or if you can’t remember if you obtained an EIN in the first place, you can ask the IRS to perform a search. You can do this by calling the Business & Specialty Tax Line at 800-829-4933. See the IRS website for more detailed instructions and additional suggestions for locating a lost or misplaced EIN.