EINs & Other Tax IDs
- What does reference number 101 mean when applying for an EIN online?
- How do I obtain an EIN for my startup?
- Why is the IRS website saying that it can't provide me an EIN?
- How can I check on the status of my EIN application?
- What do reference numbers 109, 110, 111, 112, and 113 mean when applying for an EIN online?
- How long does it take to get an EIN?
- What does reference number 102, 103, 105, or 108 mean when applying for an EIN online?
- It’s been a while since I applied for an EIN. Where is it?
- My startup’s name includes a symbol that is not accepted in the IRS’s online EIN application. What should I do?
- What does reference number 115 mean when applying for an EIN online?
- Can I expedite my EIN application?
- What does reference number 104 mean when applying for an EIN online?
- Can I use the address of my startup’s registered agent on my EIN application?
- Can my startup open a bank account without an EIN?
- What does reference number 114 mean when applying for an EIN online?
- Where can I find my startup's EIN?
- Can I use someone else’s US taxpayer ID to apply for an EIN?
- I have a non-US address. Can I obtain an EIN over the phone?